Redemptoristines: Order of the Most Holy Redeemer

We are an Order of Cloistered Contemplative Nuns, centering contemplation of the Paschal Mystery of Redemption. We are called by God to follow Jesus Christ our Holy Redeemer and to be a "Living Memory" of Him. Through our life of prayer and sacrifice, we pray for the Church, the world and all God's people.

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Monte Maria Monastery of the Visitation

In 1610 St Francis de Sales and St Jane de Chantal founded the order of the Visitation of Holy Mary to give to God souls so interior that they may be found worthy to serve Him in spirit and in truth. Our order was established to welcome those not able to practice austerities required in other orders.

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Benedictine Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hidden in the heart of rural Vermont, in the heart of the Church, the nuns of the Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary dedicate their lives to seeking God in His infinite Beauty. Remaining close to His Word by a rich tradition of liturgical prayer and Gregorian chant, we contemplate, praise, and thank Him, giving voice to the needs of all humanity and creation.

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Discalced Carmelites of the Infant Jesus of Prague and Our Lady of Guadalupe

The order of Discalced Carmelites was founded in 1562 by Saint Teresa of Jesus. Our community of Discalced Carmelite Nuns came from Durango, Mexico in 1934. We are dedicated to the apostalate of prayer, at the service of all humanity, the Church, and particularly for the Church of San Antonio.

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Poor Clare Monastery of St. Clare

As cloistered contemplatives, we are a community of sisters wholly dedicated to praying for the Church and for all of God's people. Our prayer is our mission in the Church and in the world. The Monastery of St. Clare is one of six Poor Clare monasteries in Canada: two English-speaking in British Columbia, and four French-speaking, in Quebec.

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Discalced Carmelites of the Infant Jesus of Prague and St. Joseph

We are consecrated women of the Teresian Carmel living in sisterly communion, holding the lamp of contemplation until we become a living flame of love. We are cloistered Carmelite nuns, called to live the Gospel and the charism of Saint Teresa through a hidden life of unceasing contemplative prayer in the service of the Church.

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Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Carmelite is one who has heard in the silence of her heart the unique and precious invitation of Jesus Christ to become wholly consecrated to Him in a "Covenant of Spousal love." In union with Mary, she desires to live this consecration totally and faithfully through the hidden but effective apostolate of love, prayer and sacrifice for the needs of the entire Church.

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Discalced Carmelites of St. Therese of Lisieux

The intention of St. Teresa of Avila, the Carmelite's foundress, was that the sisters' lives should be entirely directed toward prayer and contemplation, that all observe the evangelical counsels, in a small sisterly community founded on solitude, prayer and strict poverty. The call to Carmel is a call to serve the Church through prayer and sacrifice.

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Discalced Carmelites of Mary Immaculate and St. Mary Magdalene

The Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Flemington follow the ideal of life established by St. Teresa of Avila to support the Church by their contemplative lives of prayer. Their loving fidelity to the Magisterium is lived out in the cloister where prayer, solitude and the common life in a Marian spirit nourish an apostolic zeal.

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Discalced Carmelites of Mary, Mother of Grace

The vocation of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns has a rich history, whose origin dates back to the middle of the twelfth century on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. A group of men, former Crusaders and pilgrims, desiring to dedicate their lives more radically to Christ as hermits, were drawn to Mount Carmel—a place in itself abounding in symbolism and Biblical roots.

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Passionist Monastery of the Sacred Passion

The cloistered Passionist Nuns were founded by St. Paul of the Cross to live a hidden contemplative life dedicated to intercessory prayer for the apostolic work of his congregation, for the Church and for the whole world. This cloistered community's contemplative mission is to promote devotion to, and grateful remembrance of, the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.

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Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery

Cloistered contemplative life: faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church and observing Papal enclosure. The celebration of the Eucharist is central to our daily life. An important focus is praise and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and choral celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours at prescribed times.

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Trappistines of Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey

Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey is a monastery of Cistercian (Trappist) nuns. A community of 22 Roman Catholic women, we try to follow Jesus Christ through a life of prayer, silence, simplicity, and ordinary work. Our rule of life, after the Gospel, is the Rule of St Benedict. Our order is wholly ordered to contemplation.

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Benedictine Abbey of Regina Laudis

The Abbey of Regina Laudis, founded in 1947 in Bethlehem, Connecticut, U.S.A., is a community of contemplative Benedictine women dedicated to the praise of God through prayer and work. The nuns of the abbey chant the Mass and full Divine office each day, while expressing the traditional Benedictine commitment to manual work and scholarship through various contemporary media and professional disciplines.

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Our Lady of the Rock Benedictine Monastery

Our Lady of the Rock Monastery is a Benedictine monastery of women located in the heart of the beautiful San Juan Islands of Washington state. It is a place of recollection, prayer, and joyous self-giving. Set amidst 300 acres of forest and farmland, the nuns live out their lives faithful to the traditions handed on to them by their holy founders, Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica.

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Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Sancta Clara Monastery

Conscious of our unique call in the heart of the church as enclosed contemplatives, we dedicate our entire selves to living the Eucharistic Mystery. Through our daily celebration of the Eucharistic Liturgy and time given to loving prayer before the exposed Eucharist, we are graced to incarnate this Mystery in our own lives.

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Norbertine Canonesses of Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph

Like the Norbertine canons, Norbertine canonesses are consecrated for the service of divine worship, and vow to live “according to the Gospel of Christ and the Apostolic way of life”. However, the canonesses fulfill the wholly contemplative dimension of this Norbertine propositum and thus live a cloistered contemplative life with a truly Apostolic spirit.

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Poor Clares of San Damiano Monastery of St. Clare

Clare and her sisters joyfully embraced a life of poverty, prayer and contemplation, solitude and seclusion that they might serve the Lord and His church through this holy manner of living as Francis had foretold. This life continues today in our little monastery of San Damiano on Ft. Myers Beach, Florida.

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Poor Clare Monastery of St. Clare of the Immaculate Conception

Our charism is to observe the poverty and humility of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother, living the Gospel life as followers of St. Clare and St. Francis, in contemplative community of charity and unity within the enclosure.

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Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Our Lady of Solitude Monastery

We are contemplative nuns, in the Franciscan tradition.  Our mission is to offer our Eucharistic Lord continual adoration in a spirit of reparative thanksgiving, as well as serve as intercessors for the needs the Church and all souls.  We are blessed to live in the Sonoran desert, in solitude and silence and surrounded by God’s beauty.

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Bethlehem Monastery of Poor Clares

The Poor Clares of Barhamsville are a cloistered, monastic community following the inspiration of St. Francis of Assisi and his faithful disciple, St. Clare.  We seek the face of God as He reveals Himself in the Liturgy of the Church, our contemplation of the Eucharist and the Scriptures.

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Cistercian Nuns of the Valley of Our Lady Monastery

Founded in 1098, the Order of Citeaux is one of the Church's ancient monastic orders. The sources of Cistercian monasticism are the Sacred Scriptures, the Rule of St. Benedict, the traditions of the Desert Fathers, the spirituality of our own 12th century Fathers, and the treasury of lived wisdom handed-on by each succeeding generation of monks and nuns.

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Poor Clare Monastery of St. Rita & St. Joseph

The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century. We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God.

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Poor Clare Monastery of Our Heavenly Father

The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century. We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God.

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Poor Clare Monastery of St. Veronica Giuliani

The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century. We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God.

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Poor Clare Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament

The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century. We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God.

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Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Light

The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century. We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God.

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Poor Clare Colettines of Annunciation Monastery

Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, encapsulates in "Verbi Sponsa" what our community strives for in our vocation: "Welcoming the Word in faith and adoring silence, they put themselves at the service of the mystery of the Incarnation and united to Christ in the mystery of Redemption." We live a life of prayer in the spirit of the Franciscan Saint Clare.

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Poor Clare Colettines of Corpus Christi Monastery

We follow a tradition of eight centuries of enclosed monastic life of prayer and penance according to the Primitive Rule of St. Clare of Assisi and the reform of St. Colette of Corbie. With childlike trust in the Lord’s promise to our foundress, "Ego vos semper custodiam" (“I will always protect you”), we live our Gospel poverty in radical dependence on Divine Providence.

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Poor Clare Colettines of Immaculate Heart Monastery

This order of Poor Clares is an institute of the contemplative life directed in a special way for the praise and worship of God. It strives to give witness to Christ praying on the mountain and to share in the most universal way the hardships, miseries and hopes of all mankind. The sisters live a life of prayer, in the spirit of the Franciscan Saint Clare.

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Poor Clare Colettines of Maria Regina Mater Monastery

We are cloistered, contemplative Poor Clares who follow the reform of St. Colette of Corbie. Our life is one of praise and adoration of God, as well as prayer and penance on behalf of the Church and the world. In the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, we strive to foster a joyful community of charity, together with the sisters the Lord has given to us.

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Poor Clare Colettines of Santa Barbara

The Order of Poor Clare Colettines is an institute of the enclosed contemplative life ordained in a special way for the praise and worship of God. This is fulfilled principally through daily Mass, celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours seven times a day (this includes midnight rising), and Eucharistic adoration.

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Poor Clare Colettines of the Monastery of Mary, Mother of the Church

The Poor Clare Colettines follow the reform begun by St. Colette of Corbie in 15th century France. They retain the traditional habit, night rising, perpetual fast and the observance of papal enclosure. They also continue to go barefoot as a sign of Gospel poverty and in witness to the transcendence of God.

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Poor Clare Colettines of the Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy

Following in the footsteps of their foundress, St. Clare of Assisi, these Poor Clare sisters live an enclosed life of prayer and penance, in solitude and silence, occupied with God alone, urged on by love for the whole people of God. Centered in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, their life revolves around the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Divine Office and Eucharistic adoration.

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Poor Clare Colettines of the Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe

As daughters of Saints Francis and Clare, we cherish their legacy of burning love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, steadfast loyalty to the Vicar of Christ and Holy Church, and a life of joyous Gospel poverty. Our daily life of prayer, work and recreation revolves around Holy Mass and the Divine Office, beginning each midnight with the Office of Matins.

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Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery

As Poor Clares we are a pontifical order of Franciscan cloistered, contemplative nuns with solemn vows who observe papal enclosure, living in the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare. Our apostolate is perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with solemn exposition.

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