Dominican Contemplative Nuns of the Monastery of Mary the Queen

The Dominican Order is a Family: Friars who preach; apostolic Sisters who also teach; and Dominican Laity. We, the Nuns, are at the heart of the preaching mission of the Order because by our hidden lives of prayer we guarantee that the apostolic labors of our brothers and sisters bear fruit. Contemplation is the highest part and the final goal of all Christian life.

Dominican monastic life is, first of all, a search for Truth within one’s own being; and a finding of that Truth in the Word of God in scripture; in Christ Jesus, the Word of God Incarnate, in nature, in history, and in one another.

Our monastic day is structured around the rhythm of Liturgical and personal prayer, monastic work, and study. We come together as a community to become one mind and heart in God. We strive to live the Gospel. As Nuns of the Order of Preachers, we proclaim by our lives, hidden in Christ, that in God alone is true happiness to be found, here by grace and afterwards in glory.


Sr. Emmanuella O.P.
Novice Mistress
15635 Greenridge Road
Girard, IL 62640



Professed Members: 14
Year Founded: 1944
Federation: Each Dominican monastery is autonomous. However, we do belong to the North American Association of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers.
Diocese: Springfield, IL
Qualifications: Above all, we look for a firm desire to give oneself to Christ in the religious state. Single women should be practicing Catholics, between the ages of 20 and 40, and with some college or work experience. They should be in good physical and psychological health.
Formation: The process of initial discernment will last about a year. Several visits to the monastery are encouraged for an aspirant to form a rudimentary knowledge of our way of life, as we also may assess her suitability for the monastic life and her level of Christian maturity. During this time the aspirant may spend two to six weeks living within the enclosure of the monastery. The postulancy follows and is a time of transition from secular life. It lasts, again, about a year. A two year novitiate follows and has as its purpose the deepening of the spiritual life of the novice. The time of temporary vows lasts for five years before final incorporation into the community until death.
Age range/limit: 20-40
Belated vocations? No