Posts tagged Marian
Discalced Carmelites of the Infant Jesus of Prague and Our Lady of Guadalupe

The order of Discalced Carmelites was founded in 1562 by Saint Teresa of Jesus. Our community of Discalced Carmelite Nuns came from Durango, Mexico in 1934. We are dedicated to the apostalate of prayer, at the service of all humanity, the Church, and particularly for the Church of San Antonio.

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Discalced Carmelites of the Infant Jesus of Prague and St. Joseph

We are consecrated women of the Teresian Carmel living in sisterly communion, holding the lamp of contemplation until we become a living flame of love. We are cloistered Carmelite nuns, called to live the Gospel and the charism of Saint Teresa through a hidden life of unceasing contemplative prayer in the service of the Church.

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Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Carmelite is one who has heard in the silence of her heart the unique and precious invitation of Jesus Christ to become wholly consecrated to Him in a "Covenant of Spousal love." In union with Mary, she desires to live this consecration totally and faithfully through the hidden but effective apostolate of love, prayer and sacrifice for the needs of the entire Church.

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Discalced Carmelites of St. Therese of Lisieux

The intention of St. Teresa of Avila, the Carmelite's foundress, was that the sisters' lives should be entirely directed toward prayer and contemplation, that all observe the evangelical counsels, in a small sisterly community founded on solitude, prayer and strict poverty. The call to Carmel is a call to serve the Church through prayer and sacrifice.

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Discalced Carmelites of Mary Immaculate and St. Mary Magdalene

The Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Flemington follow the ideal of life established by St. Teresa of Avila to support the Church by their contemplative lives of prayer. Their loving fidelity to the Magisterium is lived out in the cloister where prayer, solitude and the common life in a Marian spirit nourish an apostolic zeal.

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Discalced Carmelites of Mary, Mother of Grace

The vocation of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns has a rich history, whose origin dates back to the middle of the twelfth century on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. A group of men, former Crusaders and pilgrims, desiring to dedicate their lives more radically to Christ as hermits, were drawn to Mount Carmel—a place in itself abounding in symbolism and Biblical roots.

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Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery

Cloistered contemplative life: faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church and observing Papal enclosure. The celebration of the Eucharist is central to our daily life. An important focus is praise and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and choral celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours at prescribed times.

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