Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross
The Carmelite is one who has heard in the silence of her heart the unique and precious invitation of Jesus Christ to become wholly consecrated to Him in a "Covenant of Spousal love." In union with Mary, she desires to live this consecration totally and faithfully through the hidden but effective apostolate of love, prayer and sacrifice for the needs of the entire Church, but in a special way for priests. This community knows and lives that simple, joyous, family spirit which Saint Teresa wanted to be a distinctive characteristic of her Carmels.
Fidelity to Holy Mother Church and to the Traditional Spirit of Carmel lived by our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus
Daily Mass with Gregorian chant, Latin and English hymns carefully chosen for the Sacred Liturgy
Divine Office 7 times a day in Community (Sung Vespers both in Latin and English on Sundays and Solemn Feasts)
Faithful to the Life of Papal Enclosure following the 1990 Constitutions given by St. Teresa to her Nuns in 1581
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Sundays and Solemn Feasts/ Days of Eucharistic Adoration
Conferences and Spiritual direction by well chosen priests
Silence, Solitude, Practice of the presence of God
Two hours of silent prayer daily
Spiritual Reading / Lectio Divina
Once a week Confessions
Daily Rosary and other Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Monastic fast and perpetual abstinence from meat
Community and Private Hermit / Retreat days
Rev. Mother Jacinta Maria O.C.D.
P.O. Box 397
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
phone + fax: 906-774-0561
Professed Members: 14 professed (including 1 extern sister) 3 sisters in Formation, 2 Aspirants
Year Founded: 1951
Diocese: Marquette, MI
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: Basic requirements include a sense of being called to the Carmelites' cloistered life of prayer, a high school education, sound mental and physical health as well as good judgment and common sense. Please note that, in order to guard carefully our life of prayer, we do not have the Internet. A volunteer retrieves initial messages for us at "vocation@holycrosscarmel.com" if you wish to contact us via email. Otherwise, you are most welcome to call or write.
Formation: Formation takes place over a period of 9 years: 1 year Aspirancy, 1 year Postulancy, 2 years Novitiate, and at least 5 years of Temporary Vows.
Age range/limit: 18-35
Belated vocations? Belated Vocations may be considered depending on circumstances.