Discalced Carmelites of the Infant Jesus
Discalced Carmelite Nuns live a life wholly dedicated to contemplation. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel, they seek the face of God through their life of prayer. They live a strict papal enclosure, a full liturgical life including daily Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours, and a life of penance in the spirit of St. Teresa of Avila.
Rev. Mother Prioress
Carmel of the Infant Jesus
1000 Lincoln Street
Santa Clara, CA 95050-5285
Professed Members: Contact for more information
Year Founded: Contact for more information
Diocese: San Jose Diocese
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: Contact for more information
Formation: Contact for more information
Age range/limit: Contact for more information
Belated vocations? Contact for more information