Dominican Nuns of St. Dominic's Monastery

The nuns of the Order of Preachers came into being when our holy Father Dominic gathered women converts to the Catholic faith in the monastery of Blessed Mary of Prouille. These women, free for God alone, he associated with his holy preaching by their prayer and penance. The friars, Sisters and laity of the Order preach the name of the Lord throughout the world, while the nuns seek, ponder and call upon Him in solitude so that the word proceeding from the mouth of God may not return to him empty, but may accomplish those things for which it was sent. In the midst of the Church the nuns’ growth in charity is mysteriously fruitful for the growth of the people of God. By their hidden life they proclaim prophetically that in Christ alone is true happiness to be found, here by grace and afterwards in glory.

The nuns are consecrated to God by public vows through profession of the evangelical counsels. They offer a sacrifice of praise to God especially through the celebration of daily Mass and chanting the Liturgy of the Hours seven times a day. Our monastery observes the norms of the purely contemplative life, by maintaining our withdrawal from the world by enclosure and silence, through work and study, prayer and penance, while pursuing communion through the Dominican form of government. The nuns of St. Dominic’s Monastery wear the traditional white habit, black veil and belt with the rosary. They observe the ancient Dominican traditions of the long Lent beginning on Sept. 14th , rising for Matins at 3:00 a.m. and perpetual abstinence from red meat. The nuns hold in special reverence the Mother of God, model of the contemplative life, St. Dominic and the Saints of the Order, especially St. Thomas Aquinas, whose doctrine the Order has received as a patrimony.


Sister mary grace, o.p. (Novice Mistress)
Saint Dominic's Monastery
2636 Monastery Road
Linden, VA 22642


Professed Members: 11 solemnly professed
Year Founded: 1907
Diocese: Arlington, VA
Qualifications: Good physical health, psychological maturity proportionate to their age, good judgment, capacity for reflection, docility and suitability for community life
Formation: 1 yr. Aspirancy (with a 6 wk. period living in the enclosure of the monastery), 1 yr. Postulancy, 2 yrs. Novitiate, at least 5 yrs. Temporary Profession before Solemn Profession
Age range/limit: 20-35 (exceptions for earlier entrance have been made)
Belated vocations? No.