Carmelites of the Carmel of Mary

The Carmelite Nuns share with the whole Carmelite Family a single common charism being the commitment to "live in allegiance to Jesus Christ" in a contemplative stance, which marks and sustains our life of prayer, community and service lived in intimate familiarity with the Holy Virgin and in the prophetic spirit of Elijah. As Carmelite Nuns, we serve God and humanity in the Church and with the Church. We believe that prayer possesses an evangelizing power and when it is ardent, prayer is able to embrace the whole world and is not limited by time and space. With our lives dedicated to prayer and contemplation, we remind the Christian community and the world today of the importance and need for true spiritual values. We dedicate our lives to God for the sake of the Church and for all those intentions for which we are asked to pray. In the measure that we believe in the spousal dimension of our contemplative vocation, our monastic life incarnates the mysterious marriage of the Church to Christ, being at the same time, a dynamic sign of this marriage.


Mother Madonna, O.Carm.
17765 78th St SE
Wahpeton, ND 58075



Professed Members: 4
Year Founded: 1954
Diocese: Fargo, ND
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: Good mental and physical health with a well-balanced personality. A love for prayer, a love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and for Our Lady. A strong desire to give all, to love and be loved by Our Lord and loved by Our Lady and by all the Sisters in Community. This strong desire shall also be a desire for others.
Formation: The formation of the Cloistered Nun must prepare her for total consecration of self to God, rooted in the following of Christ, according to the form of life entirely dedicated to contemplation, proper to her particular mission in the Church.
Aspirancy: 1 year
Postulancy: 1 year
Novice: 2 years
Simple Profession (Juniorate): 5 years
Profession of Solemn Vows: After 9 year formation program is completed.
Age range/limit: 18-49
Belated vocations? Yes: Our age range has normally been 18-35 however we are open to belated vocations, on a case-by-case basis. Please do not hesitate to be in contact with us!