Poor Clare Colettines of Santa Barbara


The Order of Poor Clare Colettines is an institute of the enclosed contemplative life ordained in a special way for the praise and worship of God. This is fulfilled principally through daily Mass, celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours seven times a day (this includes midnight rising), and Eucharistic adoration. It is a Gospel form of life striving to give witness to Christ praying on the mountain, to uphold by prayer and sacrifice the work of pastors in the Church, and to share in the most universal way the hardships, miseries, and hopes of all mankind.


Mother Aimee Marie of the Eucharist P.C.C.
215 E. Los Olivos Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105



Professed Members: 12
Year Founded: 1928
Federation: Mary Immaculate
Archdiocese: Los Angeles, CA
Worldwide: 40 countries
Qualifications: Single, practicing Catholic woman, good physical and mental health, sufficient psychological and emotional maturity. Minimum of a high school education (or the equivalent). Free of family obligations. No dowry is required.
Formation: The period of formation comprises four stages: aspirancy, postulancy, noviceship and temporary vows.
Age range/limit: 18-35
Belated vocations? Yes: Occasional exceptions are made for older vocations. Religious in active communities discerning a contemplative vocation are also given consideration.