Holy Protection Monastery


A Catholic monastery of the Byzantine Rite, we are under the jurisdiction of the Eparchy of St. Nicholas in Chicago, and belong to the Ukrainian Metropolis in the United States of America, which is in union with the Pope of Rome, supreme pastor of the Universal Church. We embrace evangelical poverty, chastity, obedience, and stability of life, according to the Rule of Saint Benedict and the traditions of the Christian East. In the skete at Jacob's Falls, on the shore of Lake Superior in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula, we devote ourselves to the common life of prayer and work for the praise, love and service of God for the upbuilding of His Kingdom through the arts.


6559 State Highway M26
Eagle Harbor, MI 49950

906-289-4388 (FAX only)


Professed Members: 3
Year Founded: 1983
Diocese: St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy, IL
Qualifications: Candidates must be Catholic men free of canonical impediments and of sufficient physical and emotional health for living cenobitic monastic life.
Formation: A man first approaches the community with a retreat of a week's duration at Holy Transfiguration Skete in Eagle Harbor, Michigan. If the signs of a monastic vocation are positive, he may return for a month's candidacy. After mutual deliberation, he may return as a postulant for six months to a year and then proceed to a novitiate of three years prior to Monastic Consecration (solemn perpetual vows).
Age range/limit: 18-35
Belated vocations? Yes: In general, candidates between 18 and 35 years of age are preferred; however, qualified older men demonstrating sufficient enthusiasm may be considered.