Carmelites of Our Lady of Grace


Our contemplative Carmelite life is one of loving adoration, prayer and sacrifice fed by the daily Eucharist and the chanting of the Liturgy of the Hours in union with the whole Church. 

Through the inspiration and guidance of our Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Elijah, we strive for an ever-deeper union with God in an atmosphere of silence and solitude supported by a joyful, caring Community.   This bond of love strengthens our apostolate of being channels of grace to the whole world.


Sr. Mary Grace O.Carm.
Vocation Contact
6202 County Road 339
Christoval, TX 76935



Professed Members: 5
Year Founded: 1989
Diocese: San Angelo, TX
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: Sound mental and physical health; good judgment and common sense; drawn to pray in silence and solitude, and praise God in community.
Formation: Formation consists of postulancy, novitiate, temporary profession, and then solemn profession.
Age range/limit: 20-37
Belated vocations? Yes: Early 40s.